An amazing array of animal and plant life can be discovered throughout the year at Kings Canyon. Enjoy and learn from the natural environment at our truly Australian resort. Out Nature Diary will tell you what you can expect each month at Kings Canyon.
- It's now wet season. Rainfall replenishes the rock pools and can make Kings Creek flow, bringing the red centre to life
- Spectacular lightning storms may be seen
- Crested pigeons continue breeding, with more eggs hatching
- Woma Python eggs begin to hatch
- Desert Skink breeding season ends and babies are born
- Temperatures are now often over 40˚
- Thorny Devil eggs begin to hatch
- Crested Pigeons continue breeding, with more eggs hatching
- Woma Python eggs are hatching
- Desert Skink babies are born
- Sturt Desert Pea begins flowering
- The black-footed wallaby may be spotted amongst the boulders of Kestrel Falls on the Kings Canyon Rim Walk
- Crested Pigeons breeding season ends
- Sturt Desert Pea continues to flower
- Cooler weather sets in
- The park's reptiles begin to hibernate
- The camel breeding season begins
- The Wedge-tailed Eagle breeding begins
- The Dingo will give birth to three or four pups around this time, which feed mainly on rabbits, rats and native lizards. Please don't feed the dingos around the resort
- Camels continue to breed
- Wedge-tailed Eagle breeding season continues
- Woma Python breeding season begins
- June brings cool, crisp morning, giving way to pleasant, sunny days
- A splendid show of wild flowers will begin to bloom from the red sand
- The Mulga bush begins to flower with yellow wattle
- The Parrot Pea's big green flowers with dark stripes become abundant
- Camels continue to breed
- Wedge-tailed Eagle breeding season continues and eggs begin to hatch
- Woma Python breeding season continues
- Mulgara breeding season begins
- The Wedge-tailed Eagle breeding season is at its peak
- Camels continue to breed
- Sturts Desert Rose is in full bloom
- Wedge-tailed Eagle breeding season continues
- Woma Python breeding season continues
- Mulgara breeding season continues
- Food plants begin to flower, fruit and seed
- Most animals begin breeding at this time
- Hibernating reptiles begin to come out
- Camels continue to breed
- Wedge-tailed Eagle breeding season continues
- Mulgara breeding season ends and babies are born
- Acacias begin to flower
- Wildflowers can be seen in bloom
- Honey Grevillea will blossom with spiky leaves and orange flower clusters
- Crested Pigeons begin breeding
- Blue-tongued Lizard breeding season commences
- Spinifex hopping mouse begins breeding
- Thorny Devils begin to lay eggs
- Crested Pigeons continue breeding and eggs begin to hatch
- The Woma Python begins to deposit eggs
- Desert Skink breeding season begins
- Thorny Devils continue to lay eggs
- Crested Pigeons continue breeding, with more eggs hatching
- Desert Skink breeding season continues
- Thorny Devils continue to lay eggs
- Crested Pigeons continue breeding, with more eggs hatching
- Desert Skink breeding season continues and babies are being born