17 Oct 2022
Media Release
New data from national C&E business Discovery Conferences and Events shows the recovery of Australia’s events industry is gathering pace, led by strong forward bookings for weddings and a return of large corporate and multi-day events.
Discovery Conferences and Events, a dedicated national events business that was launched earlier this year by Australia’s largest regional accommodation provider, the G’day Group, has seen a strong uplift in demand across its portfolio.
Forecasts for the year ahead show wedding bookings up 48% on the 2021-22 financial year and larger corporate events up by around 40%. With its event venues offering co-located accommodation, Discovery Conferences and Events has also seen a 40% uplift in room nights booked as part of corporate events as businesses increase their focus on multi-day gatherings to help their staff reconnect and rebuild team culture.
Discovery Conferences and Events General Manager Victoria Fox said that the increased demand for weddings and large corporate events demonstrated that confidence is returning to the C&E sector.
“While we saw the green shoots of an event industry recovery begin to emerge during the past financial year, the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 meant there was a hesitancy among our customers to book big corporate events and weddings,” she said.
“However, our pipeline of bookings is showing that confidence is returning with huge demand in particular for wedding bookings after so many people had their big day postponed over the past two years.”
“With businesses looking to rebuild team culture, we’re also seeing great interest in event getaways to unique regional destinations right around the country.”
Launched in April 2022, the Discovery Conferences and Events brand brings together unique regional event offerings at a range of properties owned by the G’day Group, including Discovery Kings Canyon, Glen Helen and Rottnest Island, as well as the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre at Discovery Hahndorf Resort and the Victor Harbor Convention Centre at McCracken Country Club.
The company recently launched a dedicated website to provide a more seamless and connected customer experience. Visit: www.discoveryconferencesandevents.com.au
For more information, contact: Jessica Playford / Jessica.playfordpr@gmail.com / 0478 346 504
About Discovery Conferences and Events
Under the banner of Australia’s largest regional accommodation provider, the G’Day Group, Discovery Conferences and Events is a growing portfolio of premier regional event venues across Australia in unique, beautiful and wonderful places that are truly a breath of fresh air.
Discovery Conferences and Events brand brings together unique regional event offerings at Kings Canyon Resort, Glen Helen and Rottnest Island, as well as the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre at Discovery Hahndorf Resort, and the Victor Harbor Convention Centre at McCracken Country Club.
About G’day Group
Founded by Grant Wilckens in 2004 with three properties in WA, the G’Day Group is now Australia’s largest regional accommodation provider with around 300 properties across Australia.
G’day reached $1bn company status in 2020, and is home to three brands; Discovery Parks (owned and managed parks), G’day Parks (independently owned licensed parks) and G’day Rewards (membership program).
G’day is majority owned by Australian Retirement Trust. Founder and CEO Grant Wilckens is also the Chair of the Caravan Industry Association of Australia and Board Director of the South Australian Tourism Commission.