23 Oct 2020
Media Release
Discovery Holiday Parks plans to invest $9 million into a significant facelift of its Broome property following a successful tender process with the Shire of Broome, and a strong regional tourism recovery.
A new 42-year lease of the Roebuck Bay Caravan Park has enabled the company to progress major development plans which include a new lagoon pool, more than 30 new tourist cabins, a new entrance and upgraded amenities including a new camp kitchen and BBQ area.
Chief Executive of the G’Day Group Grant Wilckens, said the park needs development and that the new lease, combined with a rapid COVID recovery, has given the company confidence to invest.
“While Broome is a much-loved property within the G’Day Group, it isn’t currently of the standard we expect for a Discovery Holiday Park. In the 2.5 years we have managed the park, our ability to improve facilities had been hindered by a short-term lease. We’re thrilled to now have a long-term lease and cause to reinvent the property,” said Grant.
“From ocean view cabins to a lagoon pool and picturesque picnic look out area, it’s set to become a real drawcard for Broome. The property will cater to everyone from backpackers to those seeking a bit more luxury.”
“The G’Day Group has 43 properties in WA and is the State (and Australia’s) largest regional accommodation provider. We have plans for a number of other major upgrades across our WA properties and Broome marks the beginning of a post-COVID investment agenda,” said Grant.
Discovery has also committed to a $500,000 ‘start of lease fee’ to the Shire for upgrades to surrounding amenities in the Town Beach Precinct.
Discovery Parks will now begin development approval applications, ahead of a proposed October 2021 commencement of the development. It is hoped the upgrades will be complete by (insert).
Shire of Broome president Harold Tracey said, “the redevelopment of this site has been in the Shire’s gaze for almost a decade and it is fantastic that we now have the opportunity to improve what has become a dated caravan park,” he said.
“To have a private proponent willing to invest heavily in the facilities and take on a long-term lease gives us the surety we have been looking for.”
“I’m sure the prospect of state-of-the-art air-conditioned cabins and a lagoon pool overlooking Roebuck Bay at the caravan park will excite the community and be a major future drawcard for visitors to Broome,” he said.
For more information contact Jessica Playford jplayford@discoveryparks.com.au on 0478 346 504
Headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia, and majority owned by Sunsuper, G’DAY Group Holdings owns the Discovery Holiday Parks network of parks and the Top Parks brand of family-owned parks.
With more than 280 parks distributed across the outback, water front and national parks, this forms Australia’s largest network of holiday parks, with an industry-leading rewards program: G’DAY Rewards.
For more information on Discovery Parks, please visit: www.discoveryholidayparks.com.au.