28 Feb 2020
Media Release
Tourism Australia says G'DAY to regional road trips
Australia’s largest regional accommodation provider, the G’DAY Group, has partnered with Tourism Australia in an emotive domestic self-drive campaign to help revive regional tourism.
With the strapline of ‘Here is where the heart is’, the $500,000 campaign is an iteration of Tourism Australia’s ‘Holiday here this year’ campaign.
The campaign calls on Australians to re-visit destinations that have their heart, discover the heart of our regions, and find new connections with people and places across Australia.
For every $1 spent on regional accommodation, nearly $2 is generated within wider regional communities, which means that a rise in regional road trip holidays will provide much needed support for Australia’s tourism industry.
The G’DAY Group is the largest network of holiday parks in Australia, with over 280 properties under both the Top Parks and Discovery Holiday Parks brands.
G’DAY Group Chief Executive, Grant Wilckens, said that while the industry has been hurting, campaigns like this provide an opportunity to deliver a silver lining for operators.
“For quite a few of our properties, including those owned by regional locals, the majority of the year’s revenue is earnt in January. With parts of Australia impacted by bushfires, floods and cyclones - and now the corona virus - the impact to revenue, infrastructure and our people has been immense.”
“However, the support shown by Governments around the country, and by everyday Australians, has been incredibly heartening,” said Grant.
“Never before has there been such a spotlight on visiting our regions, and there is a real opportunity to see ‘road trips with heart’ become a travel trend for 2020, strengthening our regional communities beyond our expectations.”
Research shows that post disaster, people are 4-5x more likely to travel back to a destination that they already have an affinity with.
“We think that the emotive call to action of this campaign will resonate with our existing customer base, and encourage those who might ordinarily jet off to Bali or Europe to instead consider a glamping experience at Byron Bay, a camping road trip to Kangaroo Island or a peaceful cabin holiday at Pambula Beach,” said Grant.
Tourism Australia Managing Director, Phillipa Harrison welcomed the support of the G’DAY Group, as a key partner for the Holiday Here This Year domestic tourism campaign.
“As largest accommodation provider in regional Australia and with the caravan and camping sector becoming ever more popular for travellers, the G’DAY Group is a fantastic partner to be working with as we look to encourage more Australians to holiday in Australia this year,” Ms Harrison said.
“An Australian road trip is like no other. It’s the perfect way to connect with our country, explore some of Australia’s stunning regional areas and, importantly, help our tourism industry and local communities get back on their feet after what has been a very challenging summer.”
The campaign is digitally-led, with some outdoor components. It will run until 30 June 2020 and will promote travel over the Easter school holiday period targeting families, and over the northern summer targeting nomads.
The G’DAY Group will release regionally specific versions of the creative and plans to engage with State and Regional Tourism Offices to help disseminate the call to action.
For more information contact Jessica Playford jplayford@discoveryparks.com.au on 0478 346 504
Headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia, and majority owned by Sunsuper, G’DAY Group Holdings owns the Discovery Holiday Parks network of parks and the Top Parks brand of family-owned parks.
With more than 280 parks distributed across the outback, water front and national parks, this forms Australia’s largest network of holiday parks, with an industry-leading rewards program: G’DAY Rewards.
For more information on Discovery Parks, please visit: www.discoveryholidayparks.com.au